石渠寶笈初編,下冊,頁809&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁97&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁345-346&* 王原祁(西元一六四二-一七一五年),清太倉人。時敏之孫,字茂京,號麓臺。康熙庚戌進士,歷官少司農。畫由家學,遠邁時倫,為清四大家之一。 此王原祁七十四歲作,原祁即歿於是年,為本院所藏王畫最晚作品之一。意仿吳仲圭,跋中略云:仲圭畫精深流逸,能得其三昧,即得北宋人之三昧。畫題逐因是而誤矣。用筆圓勁,烘染盡法,猶是精力專注之作,雖暮景扶衰,其精摯雄深之氣,固猛晉而不懈。 &*Wang Yűan-ch’i was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. A grandson of Wang Shih-min (1592-1680), Wang Yűan-ch’i is included among the Four Great Wangs of the Ch’ing dynasty. This painting was completed in 1715, when Wang Yűan-ch’i was 74 years old. Since he died in the same year, the scroll is one of the latest of his paintings in the collection of the Palace Museum. In conception the painting copies Wu Chen. Wang Yűan-ch’i states in his inscription that Wu Chen’s work profoundly attained the untrammeled. If one were able to obtain his conception completely, one would then obtain the conception of the Northern Sung Masters. Thus the traditional title of this painting is incorrect. &*1.江兆申,〈清王原祁仿北宋人山水〉,收入胡賽蘭編,《清王原祁畫山水畫軸特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1997年初版),頁133。