故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁72&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁273-274&*《漢書》記西元前三三年,匈奴呼韓耶單于臣服漢威並願為漢婿,於是元帝將後宮王嬙(字昭君)賜單于。後世關注同情這段史實,故事亦陸續增添情節及意象。如「馬上琵琶」原指昭君出塞途中,馬上樂師鼓奏琵琶以慰藉;然唐詩描寫昭君出塞,已加入昭君馬上彈抱琵琶傾訴哀怨的形象。畫中昭君側身凝視,與送行漢人皆坐黑鬃馬,侍女揹負琵琶隨侍。人物風格受明仇英、尤求影響,約作於晚明。(20091016)&*The Book of Han records how Chief Han of the Xiongnu nomads in 33 BCE indicated his willingness to assume “son-in-law” status with the Han dynasty, whereupon Emperor Yuandi presented Wang Qiang (style name Zhaojun; Concubine Ming) of his harem to him. Later generations took pity upon her in this true story as various imagery was gradually added to it. “With a Pipa on Horseback,” for example, shows her crossing the border with a pipa player on horseback to console her. And by the Tang dynasty, images of Zhaojun show herself with a pipa in a plaintive expression. Here, she appears sideways (with an attendant holding a pipa) looking at her escort. Revealing the style of Qiu Ying or his influence, this work dates to about the late Ming (1368-1644).(20091016)