石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁710 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁221 &*張孝祥(1132-1169),字安國,號于湖,今安徽省和縣人。高宗稱其「詞翰俱美」,尤以詞最為著名,是南宋豪放詞派的前驅者。更是南宋初期著名書家,得顏真卿之遒勁,及米芾的縱逸,與范成大(石湖)並稱「二湖」。 此帖於乾道元年七月到二年七月間(1165-66)寫予友人,時張孝祥在廣西。在書法上,結字有特色,筆法多變,線條兼有沉厚與流動之美,節奏有輕重遲緩,可謂「樸藏厚重、骨格遒勁」,獨具一格。(20101015)&* Zhang Xiaoxiang (style name Anguo, sobriquet Yuhu) was a native of what is now modern Hexian, Anhui. Emperor Gaozong praised him as “possessing [skill in] both beautiful poetry and calligraphy,” but he was most famous for the former, being a pioneer of the Haofang (“Bold and Unbridled”) school of poetry in the Southern Song. He was also a noted calligrapher of the early Southern Song, studying Yan Zhenqing’s forceful manner with the free and easy nature of Mi Fu’s style. Along with Fan Chengda (Shihu), they were known as the “Two Hu’s.” This letter was written to a friend in the year from the seventh month of 1165 to the seventh month of 1166. At that time Zhang Xiaoxiang was in Guangxi. In terms of calligraphy, the character forms are distinctive and the brush methods varied, the lines having the beauty of both steadiness and fluidity. There is a rhythm of weightiness and slowness to the characters, forming a style of his own with “solidity concealed in simplicity and vigor checked by structure.”(20101015)&*1.侯怡利,〈書尺牘〉,收入何傳馨主編,《文藝紹興:南宋藝術與文化•書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),頁378-379。