石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁445 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁180 &*王十朋(1112-1171)是南宋早期的文學大家,兼擅經學,尤重將儒學經術貫徹到起居生活之中。隆興初年出知江西饒州時,他曾將官邸寓舍取名為「不欺室」,勉勵自己能片刻不離正道。除倩宰相張浚撰寫室銘,又廣邀同儕題跋作詩,本劄的收受人即為其中之一。但此人寫作喜用佛家術語,與十朋平日拒談佛、老的立場正相牴觸,遂引來十朋的嚴辭撻伐,至以「異端」一詞來指斥當時沉溺於佛、老之學的儒士。(20101015)&* Wang Shipeng was a literary master of the early Southern Song who also excelled at the Classics, particularly focusing on the implementation of Confucian thought in daily life. In the early Longxing era (1163-1165), while serving as Administrator of Raozhou in Jiangxi, Wang named his official residence the “Studio of No Deception,” reminding himself to remain on the path of righteousness at all times. Wang not only asked Grand Councilor Zhang Jun to calligraph the title plaque for his studio but also many friends to write colophons or poems for it. The recipient of this note was one of them. This scholar, however, liked to use Buddhist terms. Wang, who always refused to touch on matters dealing with either Buddhism or Daoism, went into a tirade here, using the term “heretics” to reprimand Confucian scholars who immersed themselves in Buddhist or Daoist thought.(20101015)&*1.梅韻秋,〈書劄子〉,收入何傳馨主編,《文藝紹興:南宋藝術與文化•書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),頁352-353。