石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁445 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁178-180 &*1.曹寶麟,〈范氏父子三帖考〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第136期(1994年7月),頁54-64。 &*范純粹(西元一0三二-一一0一年),字德儒,蘇州吳縣人,為北宋名臣范仲淹之第四子。以蔭入仕,歷官讚善大夫、戶部侍郎,以徽猷閣待制致仕。 此帖為存世僅見范純粹之書蹟,作於元豐元年(一0七八),結字有個人特色,行楷書用筆古雅有緻,深得北宋尚意書風之趣,又兼有晉人遺韻。此帖曾入藏於項元汴,上有千字文第七七八「鵾」字編號。 &*Fan Chuncui (style name Deru) was a native of Wuxian, Suzhou, and the fourth son of the famous Northern Song official Fan Zhongyan. Entering officialdom through recommendation, he served to the posts of Grand Master Admonisher, Attendant Gentleman of Revenue, and also Edict Attendant in the Huiyou Pavilion. This is one of his few known surviving works of calligraphy. Done in 1078, the character forms have a uniquely personal style, the brushwork in semi-regular script being truly archaic and elegant. Much in the personal manner of Northern Song calligraphy, it also features traces of the Jin style. Once in the collection of Xiang Yuanbian, it includes his accession number “kun鵾,” the 778th character in the “Thousand Character Classic.”