石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1096&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁12&*王逢元,生卒年不詳,金陵(今南京)人。字子新,號吉山。王韋之子,擅書,楷法鍾繇,草法王羲之父子。由於父子俱能書,人遂以大令呼逢元。 王逢元以書名於當世,或有人議其真書稍肥,顧璘則謂其莊重沉著,脫去佻巧,獨得鍾、王遺法。另周暉亦謂其書初學王羲之、智永、晚年乃出入黃庭堅。本幅為烏絲欄本,王逢元以行楷書七言律詩九首,運筆間帶有山谷意趣。&*This work is unusual in that thin black vertical lines separate the rows of characters. The brushwork of these nine poems, written in the running and standard scripts, reflects the influence of the famous Sung dynasty calligrapher Huang T'ing-chien (1045-1105). Some have criticized Wang's standard script as being "slightly fat"; Ku Lin (1476-1545), however, said Wang's works were sedate, calm, and free of preciosity and stated moreover that they reflected his successful absorption of the styles of Chung Yu (151-230), Wang Hsi-chih (309-ca. 365), and Wang Hsien-chih (344-388). Chou Hui said that Wang initially studied Wang Hsi-chih and Chih-yung (557-589) and in his later years followed Huang T'ing-chien. Wang Feng-yuan, a native of Chin-ling (modern Nanking), was the son of Wang Wei. In his standard script he followed Chung Yu and in his grass script, Wang Hsi-chih and his son, Hsien-chih.