石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1095&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁6&*沈度(西元一三五七—一四三四年)字民則,華亭(今上海)人,成祖時以能書選入翰林院。他的書法技巧高明,形體優美,很受成祖欣賞。 這幅字是七十歲所書,內容是一篇議論文,勸戒世人,要勤勞克苦,飲水思源,不可自暴自棄。沈度以精秀工整的楷書書寫,令人有嚴謹不茍的感覺,不過起筆帶轉鋒,捺筆拉長,流露出委婉曼妙的姿態,沖淡了過於嚴肅的氣氛。 &* Shen Tu, a native of what is now Shanghai, entered the Han-lin Academy in the Yung-lo era (1403-1424) based on his talent in calligraphy. His elegant style was admired by the Yung-lo Emperor. This work, done in 1426 at the age of 69, is an essay on self-perseverance, advising others on the virtues of diligence for oneself as well as for past and future generations. Shen Tu’s use of refined standard script along with vertical marking lines give the feeling here of precision along with some unrestraint. For example, the exposure of the brush tip when being lifted from the paper created elongated flicks. This gives the characters a sense of airiness that lightens and enlivens the more solemn nature of the contents. &*沈度(西元一三五七-一四三四年)字民則,華亭(今上海)人,成祖時以能書選入翰林院。他的書法技巧高明,形體優美,深受成祖青睞。 此幅為沈度七十歲所書,內容是一篇議論文,勸戒世人要勤勞刻苦,飲水思源,不可自暴自棄。以精秀工整的楷書書寫,嚴謹不苟,不過起筆帶轉鋒,捺筆拉長,流露出委婉曼妙之姿,沖淡了嚴肅的氣氛。(20091015) &* Shen Du (style name Minze), a native of Huating (modern Shanghai), entered the Hanlin Academy in the Yongle era (1403-1424) based on his talent in calligraphy. The elegant technique and beautiful form of his style was greatly admired by the Yongle Emperor. This work, done in 1426 at the Chinese age of 70, is an essay on self-perseverance, promoting the virtues of diligence, remembering the past, and encouragement not to give up. Shen Du’s use of refined standard script along with marking lines give the feeling here of precision and regulation. However, the exposure of the brush tip as it was lifted from the paper created elongated flicks, giving the characters a grace and airiness that lightens and enlivens the more solemn nature of this work.(20091015)&*1.朱惠良,〈明沈度書不自棄說〉,收入《雲間書派特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1994年初版),頁119-120。 2.朱惠良,〈雲間書派特展簡介 — 沈度書不自棄說〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第139期(1994年10月),頁80。