石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),下冊,頁541&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁4&*「孝經」一書乃孔子為曾子陳述孝道精義的著作,共分十八章。本幅以小楷書之,後幅並附女孝經。筆法端秀,拖尾王世貞跋中提及此書師法曹娥碑,並具唐褚遂良之筆意。 舊傳為管道昇所作。管道昇(西元一二六二-一三一九年),字仲姬,浙江吳興人。趙孟頫妻。書牘行楷,與孟頫幾不可辨。善畫墨竹梅蘭,亦工山水、佛像。&*The Classic of Filial Piety is a text in eighteen chapters by Confucius, elucidating the essence of virtue and filial piety for his disciple Tseng-tzu. In this work, the calligraphy has been done in standard script, and the Women's Classic of Filial Piety has been appended. The brushwork is elegant and regular, and, as mentioned in the colophon by Wang Shih-chen (1526-1590), the style follows that of the Ts'ao-e stele and incorporates elements of the style of Ch'u Sui-liang (596-658). Traditionally, this work has been attributed to Kuan Tao-sheng (style name Chung-chi), a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. The wife of the famous artist Chao Meng-fu, the running and standard scripts of the two are almost indistinguishable. Kuan Tao-sheng excelled at painting orchids, plum blossoms, and bamboo in monochrome ink, as well as depicting landscapes and Buddhist images.