石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁480&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁231&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十五冊,頁4-55、206-212&*趙雍(西元一二八九-?),孟頫之子,字仲穆,亦以書畫知名於世。真、行、草書師法其父,盡得家傳之密。 此帖點畫處理上,回鋒垂露、頓挫折轉皆過於其父;間架安排上,以險側卓立、開張寬博與其父書構成不同特色;章法分布上,則一反其父字距緊密、行距疏闊的書風,其字距較疏,行距較緊,滿紙律動活潑。堪稱跨越其父藩籬,表現己風。選自「趙氏一門法書」冊。 &* Chao Yung, the son of Chao Meng-fu, was also famous for painting and calligraphy. In standard, running, and cursive scripts, he studied the styles of his father and followed the family tradition. In terms of the dots and strokes in this work, the exposed tip of the brush in the turns as well as the starts and stops all appear more than in his father’s style. The arrangement leans with force with an expansive quality that differs from that of his father. Line spacing is generally open and expansive with some distance between the characters. Some-times, however, the spacing is tighter for some variety. He went beyond his father’s style to create a manner of his own. This is from the album Calligraphy from the Chao Clan.