故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁43&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁29-32&*自古傳說桃樹長壽,蟠桃為古代神話中的仙桃。據傳,西王母置蟠桃園,三千年結果,服之長生不老。王母壽誕時,邀約眾仙赴桃園舉辦盛會,稱「蟠桃會」。《西遊記》中第五回的故事是說孫悟空因為未能被邀請參加王母娘娘的蟠桃會,憤而大鬧天宮。此外,沙悟淨原為天界之捲簾將軍,因在蟠桃會上失手打碎玉玻璃而被貶下凡,於是盤據流沙河,等候三藏經過,以便共同前往取經。&*自古傳說桃樹長壽,蟠桃為古代神話中的仙桃。據傳,西王母置蟠桃園,三千年結果,服之長生不老。王母娘娘生日時,邀約眾仙赴桃園舉辦壽宴,稱「蟠桃會」。《西遊記》,猴王孫悟空被玉帝封為“齊天大聖"。在第五回中「大鬧天宮」的故事,就是因為王母娘娘舉辦蟠桃會未邀請悟空,他一怒之下盜仙桃、偷仙酒、竊金丹後返回花果山。玉帝派遣天兵天將前往捉拿,反被悟空打敗。此外,沙悟淨原為天界之捲簾將軍,因在蟠桃會上失手打碎玉玻璃而被貶下凡,盤據流沙河處等候三藏師徒經過,以便一同前往取經。 &*Since antiquity, the peach has been associated with longevity, the "flat" peach especially with immortality. It is said the Queen Mother of the West planted an orchard of "flat" peaches, taking 3,000 years to bear fruit. Eating one was said to ensure immortality. On the Queen Mother's birthday, immortals are invited to the orchard for the "Flat Peach Assembly". In Journey to the West, the Monkey King Sun Wu-k'ung was ennobled by the Jade Emperor as "Great Sage Equal of Heaven". Chapter 5 tells how the Monkey King got angry and caused "a ruckus in the Halls of the Heavens". This was because the Queen Mother did not invite him to her Flat Peach Banquet. Angry, he stole the peaches and wine of immortality as well as the Golden Elixir before returning to Flower Fruit Mountain. The Jade Emperor ordered the heavenly generals to capture him, but they were all defeated.Furthermore, Sandy, originally the Rolled Blinds General, broke the jade-glass cup at the Banquet and was banished to the mortal world, haunting the River of Shifting Sands before joining Tripitaka and disciples in their quest for the scriptures.