故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁551&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁41-42&* 黃應諶,順天人。字敬一,號劍庵。善畫人物、鬼判、嬰孩。於順治十五年(西元一六五八年)入畫院。 此圖筆墨明淨,設色光艷。凡林木、峰巒、屋宇、流泉,無不布置妥帖。人物仍有明院派習氣。 &*A Humble Abode Huang Ying-shen (fl. 17th century) Ch’ing Dynasty Huang Ying-shen was a native of Shun-t’ien, Honan. His style name was Ch’ing-I, and he was also known as Chien-an. He excelled in painting figures, ghosts and children. Huang entered the Painting Academy in 1658. In this painting Huang Ying-shen’s brush and ink are clear and pure, his application of color bright and beautiful. His mountain peaks, architecture and flowing streams are all well-composed within the painting. The figures still retain some of the conventions of Ming dynasty court artists.