故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁366&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁323-324&*本畫舊題為明武宗作,但是由樹根底下的款字判斷,其實應該出自李璈所繪。他是武宗正德(一五○六-一五二一)時期的宮廷畫家,詳細的生平已經無從查考。這件立軸,可能是他存世唯一的作品。 柳葉搖曳間,一隻夏蟬兀自地迎風翱翔,蟬翼鼓動所發出的聲響,似乎驚擾了路過的哈叭狗。只見牠轉頭打量,彷彿想高叫一聲,回嚇一嚇飛蟬。畫面構圖雖然簡潔,不過卻充滿了戲劇張力,耐人玩味。 &*Although this work is officially attributed to Emperor Wu-tsung (r. 1506-1521), the base of tree actually bears the signature of Li Ao. He was a court painter under Wu-tsung, but the details of his life and art require further study. In fact, this hanging scroll may be his only surviving painting. Here, in summer, a cicada with its wings outstretched flies toward the willow tree with leaves blowing in the breeze at the top. The noise and action of its flight seem to have startled a passing Pekingese, which turns its head in mid-step and looks up as if getting ready to bark in displeasure. Although the composition and background are very simple, this work conveys a sense of drama that invites the viewer into the scene. &*1.王耀庭,〈武宗哈叭驚蟬圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《草蟲畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1986年初版),頁68。 2.劉芳如,〈中國古畫裡的草蟲世界 — 「草蟲天地」特展介紹(下)〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第221期(2001年8月),頁101。