故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁113-114&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十三冊,頁374-377&*王翬(1632-1717),常熟人。字石谷,號耕煙散人、烏目山人、清暉老人。早年跟隨家鄉畫師張柯學畫,日後獲著名文人王鑑和王時敏指導,博覽古畫,畫藝大進。 本幅畫崇山峻嶺,林木茂密,村舍人家錯落山間。全幅由前景水岸茂林,連接懸崖飛瀑,其後雲嵐霧籠,主山聳峙,在小幅中呈現全景山水的氣勢。以黃公望慣用的披麻皴、礬頭與苔點,再於山石罩染赭色與汁綠,使畫面生動活潑且饒富裝飾性。 (20110609)&*Wang Hui (style name Shigu; sobriquets Gengyan sanren, Wumu shanren, Qinghui laoren) was a native of Changshu. In his early years he studied under the painter Zhang Ke from his hometown, and later he came under the personal instruction of the famous literati Wang Jian and Wang Shimin. Wang Hui's extensive viewing of ancient works greatly enhanced his art of painting. This painting depicts high mountains and lofty peaks with dense forests and village huts scattered throughout the hills. The composition goes from the foreground bank with dense trees up to the flying cascade behind and then to the main mountain enveloped in clouds and mists in the background, this small work expressing the vigor of a complete landscape. To the hemp-fiber texture strokes, alum heads, and moss dots commonly used by Huang Gongwang are added washes of ochre and vegetable green for the rocks and mountains, giving the painting a lively vigor and rich decoration. (20110609)&*王翬(1632-1717)、常熟の人。字は石谷、号は耕煙散人、烏目山人、清暉老人。早年は故郷の画師張柯に絵画を学び、その後、著名な文人王鑑と王時敏の指導を受け、古画を広く学んで画芸が大きく進歩した。 本作には、聳え立つ険しい高山、生い茂る樹木、山間に散在する家屋などが描かれている。前景の岸辺の林から、切り立った崖、水しぶきをあげる滝へと続き、その後に厚い雲霧に覆われた主山が聳え立ち、小幅だが迫力ある山水の全景が描かれている。黄公望は披麻皴(山石を描く画法)、礬頭(山上の群石)、苔点(苔などの植物を点で描く画法)をよく用いた。さらに山石を赭色と汁緑で染め上げて、画面をより生き生きとした、装飾性に富んだものにした。 (20110609)