石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁2022&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁62&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十三冊,頁164-167&*沈士充,活動於明萬曆,崇禎年間(西元一五七三至一六四四年)。字子居,華亭人,宋懋晋弟子,並師趙左為雲間派大將。郊園十二景畫成於西元一六二五年。末幅自署為煙客先生畫,郊園可能卽是王時敏(煙客)所居住之庭園。此冊頁為十二景之一,名曰掃花庵。以俯視法表現二士人坐談於庵中,房舍四週圍繞著溪山林木,小丘上種滿了桂花,令人感到香氣陣陣,樸鼻而來。此圖以眞實景物入畫,與一味臨摹古人的作品截然不同。&*Twelve Scenes from A Country Garden—Sao-hua Hermitage Shen Shih-ch’ung (active 1573-1644) Ming Dynasty Shen Shih-ch’ung, style name Tz-chü, was a native of Hua-t’ing, Kiangsu. A student of Sung Mou-chin and Chao Tso, Shen was an important painter of the late Ming Yun-chien School. The album twelve Scenes from a Country Garden was completed in 1625. The leaf exhibited here is entitled “Sao Hua Hermitage.” The artist himself wrote on the last leaf that this album was painted for Mr. Yan-k’e. It is possible that the country garden depicted in the album was the home of the painter Wang Shih-min (style name Yan-k’e). Viewed from above, two scholars sit chatting in a cottage. The building is surrounded by mountains, streams, and forests. A small hill is covered with cassia flowers painted so realistically that one can almost smell their fragrance. Shen painted what he observed around him, rather than imitating ancient masters.