石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1956-1958&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁54-56&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁348-351&* 錢穀(西元一五0八-約一五七八年),江蘇吳縣人,字叔寶。少時失學,成年以後,遊文徵明門下,得以博覽群書,通曉畫理,山水、人物、花鳥俱擅長,筆意脫俗,畫風文雅,很受當時文人雅士的喜愛。 石湖在吳縣盤門西南,諸峯映帶,山水絕佳,是著名的風景勝地。此圖八景包括石湖、越來溪、行春橋、郊台、古藤塢、楞伽寺、范祠、橫山。錢穀以淡雅的設色和精簡的筆墨描繪,更加引人入勝。 &* Ch’ien Ku (style name Shu-pao) was from Wu County (now Soochow), Kiangsu. He received little education until he studied with Wen Cheng-ming, when he read widely and mastered the art of painting. Ch’ien excelled at painting landscapes, human figures, and birds and flowers. His exquisite brushwork and elegant style were much admired by the literati of his time. Shih Hu (Stone Lake) is located southwest of Soochow. Surrounded by peaks, the area is famous for its extraordinary scenery. The eight vignettes here depict Shih Hu itself, the River Yüeh-lai, the Hsin-ch’un Bridge, the Chiao-t’ai Terrace, the Ku-teng Grove, the Lanka Temple, the Fan family Shrine, and the Huan Mountain. Ch’ien Ku’s delicate coloring and simple, succinct brushwork are most intriguing.