故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁176-177& 惲壽平(西元一六三三-一六九0年),江蘇武進人。初名格,字壽平,以字行,又字正叔,號南田,別號雲溪外史,東園草衣等。詩文為毘陵六逸之首,畫與清初四大家相埒,合稱四王吳惲。 本幅為「惲壽平王翬花卉山水合冊」之一開。沒骨設色畫赤、紫、白牡丹三枝,或正或側,曲盡其態。全圖賦色明麗鮮豔,但是卻流露出一種清新俊逸,高雅脫俗之氣質。 &Peonies Yün Shou-p’ing (1633-1690) Ch’ing Dynasty This painting of three red, violet, and white peonies in the “boneless” wash style (some pictured from the front and some from the side) fully depicts the beauty of the flower. Extravagantly colored, the flowers still retain a fresh elegance and graceful air that is anything but vulgar. Considered the equal of the “Four Great Masters of the Ch’ing Dynasty,” Yün was one of the “Ssu Wang Wu Yun” or “ the Four Messrs. Wang, the Master Wu, and the Master Yun”--six of the most famous painters of the Ch’ing dynasty. He was the leading essayist and poet of the “Six Gentlemen of Pi-ling.” He was from Wu-chin in Kiangsu. He used his style name Shou-p’ing in place of Ko, his original name, and then changed his style name to Cheng-shu. His sobriquets were Nan-t’ien, Yun-his-wai-shih, and Tung-yuan-ts’ao-yi.