石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1997&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁46-47&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁280-283&*文徵明(西元一四七0-一五五九年),長洲(江蘇蘇州)人。初名壁,字徵明,後以字行。詩文書畫並佳,畫師沈周,為明四大家之一。 以淡墨畫法勾出娉亭玉立的荷花,大片墨染成荷葉,復以重墨勁筆鉤畫葉脈,蓮葉鮮翠的精神立顯。全圖下筆在有意無意之間,物象意趣自來。選自《文徵明花卉冊》第五開,此冊是文徵明在嘉靖十二年(1533)接受徐縉邀請到洞庭西山的徐家避暑時,乘興將窗前名花異卉點畫成冊。 &*A native of Ch'ang-chou (modern Soochow), Wen Cheng-ming excelled at poetry, painting, and calligraphy. He learned painting from Shen Chou and was one of the Four Masters of the Ming. Light ink was used to outline a graceful lotus blossom as large areas of ink wash form the leaves. They were then painted over with dark ink for the lines of the leaf veins, bringing out the spirit of a lush lotus plant. Done in semi-sketched brushwork, the forms stand out yet seem to blend with each other. This is the 5th leaf from Wen's “Album of Flowers”, done in 1533 when he accepted an invitation to Hsü Chin's home on West Mountain at Tung-t'ing. Inspired, Wen completed this album based on the flowers seen before his window there. &* 文徵明(西元一四七○-一五五九年),江蘇長洲人。初名壁,字徵明,後以字行。亦字徵仲,號停雲生、衡山居士。詩文書畫並佳,畫師沈周,為明四大家之一。嘉靖癸巳畫家年六十四,應朋友之索,成此「花卉」冊。本幅為第五幅,淡墨勾畫花瓣,沒骨點染荷葉,復以重墨勁筆鉤畫葉的筋脈,蓮葉鮮翠的精神立顯。全圖下筆在有意無意之間,但物象意趣自來。&*Wen Cheng-ming was a native of Soochow famous for his calligraphy and painting. Studying under Shen Chou, he became one of the Four Great Masters of the Ming. In 1533, at the age of 63, Wen Cheng-ming painted an album of flowers for a friend. This is the 5th leaf. Here, Wen used light ink to outline the lotus petals and washes to define the leaves. Darker ink represents the veins, making the plants stand out with freshness and vitality. Although seemingly done with little forethought, all the essence and appearance of the lotus plant comes through in this work.