石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁409&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁43-45&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁238-241&* 仇英(約西元一四九四至一五五二年),江蘇太倉人。字實父。少時移居蘇州為學徒,可能以臨仿古畫為業。後學畫於周臣,又受到文徵明的賞識,並由文氏引介,先後在收藏家項元汴和長洲人陳官家作畫。時人稱他:「所覽宋元名畫千有餘矣,又得性天之授,餐霞吸露,無煙火氣習。」本幅江空天闊,葦渚沙汀。天、水皆用墨渲染,得淡遠之致。幅中茅屋、遠山、坡石、竹樹和蘆草皆覆深雪,寒氣侵人。江上客舟四、漁舟三,有泊岸邊者,有行江面者。筆法秀逸,設色雅淡而有天趣。&*Snowy Landscape Ch'iu Ying (1494-1552) Ming Dynasty Ch'iu Ying (style name Shih-fu, sobriquet Shi-chou) was from T'ai-ts'ang, Kiangsu. As a youth, he moved to Suchou, and probably made a living by copying works of the old masters. Later, he studied with Chou Ch'en, and eventually came to be appreciated by Wen Cheng-ming, who then introduced him to Hsiang Yüan-pien, for whom he did many paintings. A contemporary said of Ch'iu Ying, "He has seen over a thousand Sung and Yüan works. Naturally gifted, he subsists on mists and dew", that is, he transcends the mundane world. In this work, a river with reedy banks lies cold under a vast, barren sky. A thatched cottage, jagged rocks, mountains and trees covered in deep snow make up the rest of the scene, the chilling atmosphere of which invades the viewer. On the river are several boats; others are moored near the shore. Brushwork is refined and elegant, the ink tones producing interesting effects.