故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁46-47&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁183-184&*燕文貴(西元九六七-一○四四年),浙江吳興人,仁宗時為畫院待詔。其山水、人物均佳,尤善畫四季景色,清雅可愛,號為「燕家景緻」。本幅寫日暮寒冬之景。近岸一翁獨坐捕魚,綣縮之狀暗示出天候之嚴寒;隔著平闊清泠的江面,遠處沙洲枯蘆繞岸,數隻雁鴨點綴其間,更添荒疏寂寥之感。此圖與本院所藏另一幅標為宋人「漁父圖」為同一粉本,舊傳為燕文貴所作,然就畫風論,應出自晚明畫家之手。&*Yen Wen-kuei was a native of Wu-hsing, Checkiang, who was a Painter-in-Attendance during the reign of Emperor Jen-tsung (r. 1022-1063). His depictions of landscapes and figures were excellent, especially his renderings of the four seasons. Pure, elegant, and charming, they were called "Yen's Wondrous scenes." This painting depicts a scene late in the day during winter. On the foreground bank is an old man working his fishing net alone and huddlind against the severe cold. The river surface separates the foreground from the level distance dotted by shoals of withered reeds, winding banks, geese, and ducks. These motifs add to the sense of vastness and solitude. The composition is similar to another in the Museum entitled "Fisherman by an Anonymous Sung Artist." Furthermore, judging from the style of the painting, it should be attributed to a late Ming (1368-1644) artist, and not to Yen Wen-kuei.