石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1984-1987&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁36&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁184-189&*Shen Zhou, a native of Changzhou, went by the style name Qi'nan and the sobriquet Shitian. Gifted at calligraphy and excelling at poetry, his paintings all ranked in the "spirited" category. He was ranked as one of the Four Ming Masters. Magnolias (translated literally in Chinese as "Jade orchid") were often planted in the yards of residences in the old days, symbolizing the notion of "Pure as jade and clear as ice" and "Wealth and position in halls of jade." In early spring the magnolia often blooms before its leaves emerge, hence its alternate names of "Flower tree" and "Flowers anticipating spring." This work, from "Album of Sketching from Life," features a sketchy rendition of magnolias in light colors. Very slight washes of blue were applied to the background, leaving the paper blank to make the pure white of the blossoms stand out. The artist used short, blunt lines to depict the branches and bark. Long arcing lines delineate the soft and tender quality of the flower petals, making them appear pure and refined while giving them a strongly calligraphic touch as well. (20110102)&*沈周(1427-1509),長洲人,字啟南,號石田。工書善詩,畫入神品。為明四大家之一。 古代宅院常種玉蘭,象徵「玉潔冰清」或「玉堂富貴」。早春玉蘭往往葉未長而花先發,有「木花樹」或「望春花」之稱。本幅選自〈寫生冊〉,淺設色畫寫意白玉蘭。以淡青色烘染背景,運用留白法突顯花朵的潔白。畫家使用粗硬短促的線條畫枝皴幹,並以長弧線做出花瓣的柔嫩質感,顯得清淡雅致,並富書法趣味。(20110102)&*沈周(1427-1509)、長洲の人、字は啓南、号は石田。書法、詩文ともに優れ、絵画は入神の域に達した。明代四大家の一人。 古代の住宅の庭には、「玉潔冰清」(玉のように清らかで氷の如く曇りがない。高潔な人柄を喩えた言葉)、「玉堂富貴」(家が富み栄えること)を象徴する玉蘭(ハクモクレン)がよく植えられた。春の初めに葉よりも先に花をつける玉蘭は、「木花樹」、「望春花」とも称される。本作は『写生冊』に収録されている。淡彩、写意で描かれた玉蘭の背景は淡い青で染められ、余白を生かして花の白さを際立たせている。硬く短い線を用いて枝と幹を描き、長く丸みのある線で花弁の柔らかな質感を表現している。清雅な趣に満ちているだけでなく、書法の味わいも十分に感じられる。 (20110102)&*1.〈明 沈周 玉蘭〉,收入譚怡令、劉芳如、林莉娜主編,《滿庭芳 歷代花卉名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),頁196。