石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),頁668 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁138 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁69&*這幅畫論布局,論筆法、設色,均臻上乘。畫中人物之猜測為誰﹖其理由是以前景中的柳樹,以應陶淵明是「五柳先生」,再加以頭上的巾子足以漉酒,淵明正是好酒之人。本幅從服飾及坐具、酒具,顯然是畫晉人,而無唐以後風俗。陶淵明出現的形象,基本上是一位「高士」,然而這個高士大致有兩種面貌,一種是悠遊山林的隱者,一種是醺醺醉矣的酒客。柳陰高士可能是現存畫陶淵明醉醺醺的最早一幅畫了。畫中樹下一翁,席以豹皮,前置一手卷、一盞酒,老翁袒胸赤足,頭戴葛巾,雙目凝神下視,實已醺醺然微醉矣。淵明坐前雙腳處,席上置有盛酒之碗,酒盛九分滿,沿上猶掛著一把勺子,碗與勺皆是外壁黑,內面朱,且其質薄,看來是漆器一類而非陶器。,從器皿及服飾的發展,畫中人物是非唐而為晉。(王耀庭)&*1.王耀庭,〈宋人柳蔭高士圖〉,收入王耀庭編,《淵明逸致特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年初版),頁92-93。 2.王耀庭,〈宋人柳陰高士圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第200期(1999年11月),頁44。 &*柳蔭下,一位士人袒胸露背,跣足而坐於豹皮之上,瀟灑超脫,充滿雅逸逍遙之趣。士人兩眼有醺醺然之貌,故幅上乾隆題詩稱這位高士不是唐的李白,就是晉的陶潛。由於陶潛曾作<五柳先生傳>以自況,故而推斷此人為陶潛的可能性較高。 本幅人物線條剛勁如鐵絲,轉折犀利。樹幹蒼老,柳葉繁複,筆力穩健挺拔,多層皴染,使得畫面蘊藉厚潤。全作繪製精謹,是一幅宋代佳作。&*In the shade of a willow, a gentleman sits informally on a leopard skin with his upper body exposed. At ease, he strikes a pose of utter leisure. Appearing inebriated, the Ch'ien-lung Emperor (r.1736-1795) wrote in his poem on the work that if the figure is not Li Po, then it ought to be T'ao Yüan-ming. Since the wine-loving T'ao wrote the semi-autobiographical poem Master of the Five Willows, the man with a bowl under a willow could be him. The brushwork of the drapery is as solid as wire with decisive turns. The willow trunk shows its age and the leaves are intricate. The steady and firm brushwork is complemented by layers of washes and texture strokes, creating a rich yet refined sur-face to make this a masterpiece of Sung painting.&*一翁坐柳下,薦以豹皮,上一卷一盞。此老袒衣跣足,葛巾前傾,雙目凝視,醺醺然皿已醉矣。全幅皆用中鋒,無一集筆,墨華精彩,筆力勁健。柳樹?曲作ㄈ形,似在洞門中窺見,布景亦見匠心。&*A gentleman is seated on a leopard skin beneath a willow tree. A book and cup are at his side. His chest and feet are bare; his gauze hat has slipped forward on his head. Both eyes are staring, somewhat glazed, as if he were already drunk. The entire painting is executed with the point of the brush. The color of the ink is fine and brilliant; the strength of the brush is strong and vigorous. The curve of the willow tree creates the illusion that one is seeing the figure within a grotto.