石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1545 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁142 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁87&*本幅無作者款印,為水墨淺設色畫。寫高士憑窗撫琴,室外有客環聽,其中一人顛企於地,另一人伸手曳之。 人物衣紋,呈釘頭鼠尾狀,惟行筆中略帶顫掣,致令線條於走勢中暗樹抗力,產生勁健挺拔,力貫紙背的美感。史稱「周文矩畫人物多顫掣筆」,此畫縱然不必歸入周氏名下,亦屬風格相近之系列作品。&*A scholar is shown seated by a window strumming a ch'in lute while a group of listeners gathers outside. One man topples over in a drunken stupor while a companion pulls him back up. The clothing folds of the figures in this work are painted with "nail-head rat-tail"strokes, revealing at the same time a certain amount of trembling and dragging that imparts an internal strength to the painting. Painting histories attribute the "trembling brush" method to the Five Dynasties artist Chou Wen-chü; it belongs somewhere in his lineage at a point in time not too far removed from the master.