石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),頁1548&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁150&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁123&*秋桂飄香,芙蓉搖曳,原是祥和秋景,卻呈現陣陣肅殺之氣。但見巨鷹凌空俯衝,凌厲的目光,大有撲殺之勢。於是雉雞藏身石後,八哥、蠟嘴倉皇桃散,狀甚驚恐。而牠們在走避之餘,尚注視著巨鷹動向的眼神,尤為生動傳神。本幅細緻寫實,傳為宋人所作,然就樹幹、芙蓉葉、蘆葦等多處筆意觀之,倒頗合明代呂紀一派畫風。&*The fragrance of sweet osmanthus floats in the air, and hibiscus flowers sway gently in the breeze. Suddenly, however, this originally peaceful autumn scene carries an element of danger. A giant eagle suddenly dives down from above, in its eyes a fiercely determined expression of the power to strike and kill. The reaction is instantaneous: a tartar pheasant hides behind a rock; the mynah and wax-bill are flying to escape this frightening attack. In the midst of seeking safety, however, these creatures still manage to keep one eye on the predator. The artist describes the scene in a vital and lifelike manner. This painting, because it is realistic and detailed, carries a traditional attribution to the Sung period. However, the brushwork in the tree trunks, hibiscus leaves, reeds, and so forth all indicate the school style of Ming painter Lu Chi.