石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1155&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁159&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁163&*1.〈宋人花王圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《牡丹名畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年四月初版),頁38-39。 2.王耀庭,〈宋人花王圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《草蟲畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1986年初版),頁68。 3.劉芳如,〈中國古畫裡的草蟲世界 — 「草蟲天地」特展介紹(上)〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第220期(2001年7月),頁9。 4.〈傳宋人 花王圖〉,收入譚怡令、劉芳如、林莉娜主編,《滿庭芳 歷代花卉名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),頁78。&*In a garden setting, a peony plant bursts forth with huge blossoms. The blazing red blossoms fill the atmosphere of nobility with a sense of beauty. In front are two garden rocks, one large and the other small. The holes eroded through them have an archaic and elegant effect. Buzzing and flying around in the air are wasps, various butterflies, and horse flies. Crawling on the ground are a locust and a mole cricket, making for a very lively scene. The arrangement of the composition, in order of importance, includes the blossoms, rocks, and insects filling up nearly the entire surface. However, the fine and lively description does not have a sense of oppressiveness or overbearing at all, making this work quite unusual.&*庭院中,一株牡丹正綻放著碩大的花朵。花色呈硃砂紅,在艷麗當中帶有濃厚的富貴氣息。前方的太湖石,一大一小,鏤空的造型,極為古雅。四周圍,還有胡蜂、蝶、粉蝶、鳳蝶、虻等昆蟲飛舞在空中,地面的草叢間,也有蝗蟲和螻蛄在行走著,場面極為熱鬧。全幅的布局,雖然令花、石和草蟲,充滿了整個畫面,但是因為描寫精微生動,竟然毫無促迫的感覺,實在讓人讚嘆。&* 畫庭園中整株的牡丹,幾佔滿整幅畫面,前方點綴湖石,四週昆蟲飛繞,屬全景式構圖中頗為別緻的安排。硃砂紅的艷麗花朵,青綠的葉片和鏤空湖石,搭配飛舞空中、草叢間的胡蜂、蝶、粉蝶、鳳蝶、虻等,以及行走於地面的蝗蟲和螻蛄,顯得生氣蓬勃,既富麗又熱鬧。 盛放的牡丹,花朵碩大,相較於湖石,並不合實際應有的比例,顯有加強牡丹主體性的意味。全幅筆墨精微,雖略遜於宋畫的細緻生動,卻仍是仿宋人筆意和古樸韻味的一佳作。(20110102)&* Depicted in a garden setting is an entire peony bush, which takes up almost the entire surface of the painting. It is embellished in front with a lake rock as insects fly around, giving the “complete-scenery” type of composition a rather special arrangement. The gorgeous blossoms of cinnabar red, the blue-and-green of the leaves, and the openwork décor of the lake rock are complemented by a variety of butterflies as well as such insects as the wasp and gadfly, all shown flying in the air. And crawling on the ground are such insects as the locust and mole cricket, adding further life and vitality to create a richly beautiful and raucous manner for the painting. The luxuriantly blooming peonies with huge blossoms appear by a garden lake rock in a proportion that is not very logical, obviously having been done so to emphasize the relative importance of the flowers as the main theme of the painting. The use of brush and ink throughout the work is also quite refined. Although slightly inferior to the vivid liveliness of other Song dynasty paintings, it is still a fine imitation of the Song dynasty brush manner with archaic charm.(20110102)