石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第六冊,頁3049&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁284&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁175-178&*1.王耀庭、陳韻如,〈清郎世寧畫瑪瑺斫陣圖〉,收入王耀庭主編,《新視界 : 郎世寧與清宮西洋風》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版),頁72-75。 2.韓北新,〈郎世寧繪畫繫年(四)〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第70期(1989年1月),頁120。 &*郎世寧(Giuseppe Castiglione,1688-1766)義大利米蘭人,十九歲時加入天主教耶穌會,康熙五十四年(1715)由葡萄牙派抵澳門,轉赴廣州北上京師。郎氏深得康熙、雍正、乾隆皇帝喜愛,擅長人物肖像、花鳥走獸,注重物象解剖結構、光影效果及立體感,曾在宮中教導西方油畫和焦點透視法,並多次奉命為皇室繪製各種紀實畫。乾隆二十四年(1759)清軍勇士瑪瑺跟隨右副將軍富德率軍在呼爾滿(今莎車東北)平定回部叛亂,瑪瑺殲敵英姿煥發,奮勇衝殺,以三箭斃敵,後被敵所困,負傷仍堅持抵抗,因其戰役的特殊表現,升為護軍統領。同年六月郎世寧奉旨為他畫臉像,後又畫了此張手卷。據乾隆二十五年(1760)《養心殿造辦處各作成做活計清檔》記載,曾將「現畫瑪瑺得勝圖,著在紫光閣貼」。此圖捨去背景,以寫真技法生動刻畫出瑪瑺及被射殺回部兵士形象。在藝術表現及歷史記錄上,均有極高的史料價值。(林莉娜)&*郎世寧(西元一六八八-一七六六年),意大利人。十九歲,入主天主教耶穌會為修士。曾習油畫,兼習建築。二十七歲來華,以繪事供奉內廷,歷仕康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝。善畫人物、花鳥、尤擅犬馬。 清軍平定新疆回部,瑪瑺於呼爾璊立殊勳。乾隆二十四年(一七五九)高宗作歌誌其事,命郎世寧繪瑪瑺斫陣之英姿。 &*Lang Shih-ning was a native of Italy. At the age of 19 he entered the Society of Jesus as a novitiate, also studying painting and architecture. When he was 27 years old, he was sent to China where he was to spend the majority of his life. Lang Shih-ning was eventually summoned to the palace as a court painter, where he portrayed birds, flowers, figures, and horses. The Ch’ing army suppressed the Uighurs of Sinkiang, where Ma Chang won the great victory of Hu-erh-man. In the year 1759, Emperor Kao-tsung wrote a song to record Ma Chang’s bravery and order Lang Shih-ning to paint a portrait of courageous Ma Chang, with bow and arrow, dauntlessly pursuing the rebels. &*瑪瑺為清軍平定西域戰爭的立功者,隨副將軍富德討伐準葛爾部,深入敵陣棄坐騎負傷應戰,後升護軍統領。卷後為乾隆御筆頌揚瑪瑺事蹟,並下令描繪瑪瑺事蹟以為表揚。畫中瑪瑺箭正要上弓,前方敵人已中一箭,地上掉落另一箭,正是瑪瑺以三箭治敵的經過。根據乾隆御題,知此畫成於己卯年(1759)。&*Macang was a warrior in the Ch’ing troops honored for his effort in pacifying the Western border regions. Accompanying Vice General Fu Te in a punitive expedition against the Dzungar tribes, he managed to penetrate deep into enemy troops, leaving his horse behind and eventually being wounded in battle. For his efforts, he was promoted to the rank of Guard Commander-general. At the end of this handscroll is a eulogy from the brush of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor (r. 1736-1795) praising Macang’s deeds, ordering that they be rendered in painting to honor him. In the painting, Macang is shown reaching back for an arrow to finish off the wounded enemy he is chasing. Along with the spear on the ground, the combined number of weapons accurately reflects the record of him downing the enemy in three strikes. According to the imperial inscription by the Ch’ien-lung Emperor, this painting was done in 1759.