石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1594&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁72&*俞和(活動於一三四一-一三六八年),號紫芝老人,杭州人。廣臨晉唐諸帖,工夫極深,嘗見趙孟頫筆法,行草和趙作可以亂真,後人常以其字冒為趙書。 「忠佑廟碑」為元御史中丞張養浩書寫,立於杭州,廟中供祀隋時郡人陳杲仁及南唐將軍柴克弘。俞和臨寫此碑,可看出歐陽詢對元代楷書的影響,俞寫歐體,乍看神似,只是歐字筆力險峻,俞字卻清秀沖和,不再有北碑森嚴的氣息。&*Yü Ho was a native of Hangchow. Copying Chin and T'ang models, he became an accomplished calligrapher. His running and cursive scripts are often confused with those of Chao Meng-fu. The Chung-yu Temple stele was calligraphed by the Yüan Vice Censor-in-chief Chang Yang-hao and erected in Hangchow. The temple is dedicated to the deified figures of Ch'en Kao-jen and General Tz'ai K'o-hung. In Yü Ho's copy of the stele, we see the influence of Ou-yang Hsün's style on Yüan standard script. The styles of Yü and Ou-yang are outwardly similar, but the latter's brushwork is powerful and sharp while Yü's is pure and harmonious without the solemn features of the Northern Stele manner.