石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1674-1675&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁67-70&*俞和(活動於一三四一-一三六八年),浙江杭州人。字子中,號紫芝生。廣臨晉唐諸幅,工夫極深。早年得見趙孟頫運筆之法,行草和趙作可以亂真,後人常以其字冒為趙書。 俞和「書陶潛詩」分上、下兩冊,共書陶詩百首。此數幅選自上冊,楷書陶氏四言詩數首。筆法潤美流麗,結體淳古方整,頗具妍媚柔婉之姿。為俞氏庚子年(一三六0)之作。&*Yu Ho, a native of Hangchow, was accomplished at copying Chin and T'ang calligraphic models. In his early years, he had the chance to see the famed Chao Meng-fu do calligraphy. Following Chao's style, Yu's running and cursive scripts became easily confused with Chao's. Thus, later people often changed the signature on Yu's works to that of Chao. This work is divided into two albums and transcribes 100 verses by T'ao Ch'ien, better known as T'ao Yuan-ming. The leaves here have been selected from the first album and contain several four-character verses by T'ao calligraphed by Yu in standard script. The fluent and graceful brushwork complements the solid and archaic characters to impart a graceful beauty. It was done in 1360.