石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1786&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁77&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁253-254&* 沈周(西元一四二七-一五○九年),長洲(今江蘇蘇州人),字啟南,號石田,自稱白石翁,貞吉子。工書善詩文,書法黃庭堅,遒勁奇崛。山水少承家法,凡宋元名手,皆能變化出入。畫為明四大家之一。 溪畔長林,下蔭一橋,客紗帽策杖行橋上。對岸一山特起,方峻而皴筆無多。蓋自梅道人出。山陬林隙,寺宇微見屋脊。筆力蒼勁,墨色蒼潤,與早年乾筆細皴迥異其趣,而近於五十三歲之參天特秀圖。 &* Shen Chou was a native of Soochow, Kiangsu. He was a skilled poet and calligrapher; his calligraphy, strong and unusual, was modeled after Huang T’ing-chien (1045-1105). His landscape paintings at first followed his family style. Later he was able to transform the styles of Sung and Yüan to create something truly individual. Shen Chou is considered one of the Four Masters of the Ming. A scholar with hat and staff walks across a bridge under the shade of woods by a stream and fields. Facing the bank, a steep mountain rises, its interior left mostly unmodelled with texture strokes; this is a style derived from Wu Chen. Between mountains and forests, the roofs of temples are faintly made out. The brushwork is strong and the ink rich and hoary. The style is unlike his early work, which presents dry brushwork and fine texturing, and appears closest to a work which Shen Chou painted at the age of fifty-two. &* 貞父有學問之譽,居白下,沈周往往獲見其詩,而未嘗晤談。適友人立夫將往白下,周作此圖以問訊貞父。溪畔長林,下蔭一橋,客紗帽杖行橋上。對岸一山特起,方峻而皴筆無多,蓋自梅道人出。其後文徵明畫,山之方峻者,往往胎息於此。山陬林隙,寺宇微見屋脊。筆力蒼勁,墨色蒼潤,與早年乾筆細皴迥異其趣,而近於五十三歲之參天特秀圖。所用三印,又與五十歲題林逋手札聯用三印全同。以畫論之,較參天特秀圖更為老練,因置之成化庚子(一四八○),沈周五十四歲。&*1480 / Shaen Chou Crossing a Bridge to Visit Friends / Chen Fu, who lived in Nanking, was widely known for his erudition. Shen Chou had often read his poems but they had never met. Shen did this painting to send to Chen Fu via a friend, Li Fu, who was going to Nanking. A broad path winds through a tall forest to a shaded bridge; a traveller with hat and staff is crossing the bridge. A mountain rises abruptly from the far bank; it is angular and steep, without many texture strokes, done in a manner derived from Wu Chen. Later, Wen Cheng-ming also used this type of mountain in his paintings. Among the distant mountains and dense forest, a temple roof can be seen. The brush is strong and mature, the ink tones wet and hoary, contrasting with the dry brush and meticulous texturing of Shen Chou’s early works. The style is close to that of “Virtue which Reaches to Heaven”, which was painted when he was 52. The three artist’s seals on the painting are exactly like those which appear on Shen’s colophon on Lin P’u’s calligraphy, which he wrote in his 49th year. The painting itself is more fully mature than “Virtue which reaches to Heaven”. Shen Chou was about 53 years old when he painted “Crossing a Bridge to Visit Friends”. &*1.江兆申,〈沈周谿橋訪友 軸〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《吳派畫九十年展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),頁296。