石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2778&*1.何傳馨,〈淳化祖帖〉,收入林柏亭主編,《大觀- 北宋書畫特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2006年初版一刷),頁309- 311。 &*淳化閣帖刻於宋太宗淳化三年(992),由王著負責其事,為宋代官刻法帖之一。全帖總計十卷,前五卷為前代帝王、名臣、名賢書蹟,後五卷為二王書蹟。其時摹刻所據母本來源有三:其一係宋內府所藏前代法書,包括宋太宗募集所得在內;其二借自士大夫家藏;其三據南唐舊帖翻刻。由於原版在宋代毀於火厄,後人又據原拓輾轉翻刻,以致於化身千百。本次展示第六卷王羲之書蹟。 (20110913)&*The Chunhua Pavilion modelbooks were engraved in 992. With Wang Zhu responsible for the project, it was one of the official engravings of modelbooks in the Song dynasty. The entire set of modelbooks consists of ten volumes. The first five volumes deal with calligraphy of famous sages, officials, and emperors from previous dynasties. The latter five feature calligraphy of the Two Wangs (Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi). At that time, there were three sources for the originals upon which the engraved copies were based. One was the calligraphy of previous dynasties from the collection of the Song inner court, including those that had been acquired by Emperor Taizong. The second featured works borrowed from the collections of scholars, and the other came from re-carvings of old modelbooks of the Southern Tang. Since the original woodblocks were destroyed by fire in the Song dynasty, later generations made re-carvings from rubbings, resulting in numerous manifestations. This exhibition displays volume six, featuring Wang Xizhi’s calligraphy.(20110913)