史晨碑現存於山東曲阜孔廟,原石高二三一公分、寬一一二公分,兩面刻石,此為碑陽之拓,故稱史晨前碑,內容是東漢靈帝建寧二年(西元一六九年),魯相史晨之奏銘,記述其到官時拜謁孔子並上書奏請每年春秋兩季行祭孔之禮。 與《禮器》、《乙瑛》並稱為孔廟三大名碑,筆法溫和蘊藉,氣勢肅括宏深,沉古遒厚,法度森嚴,結構與意度皆備,是學習隸書入門之最佳範本,更為東漢隸書碑刻之傑作。 &*The Shih Ch’en stele is in the Temple of Confucius at Ch’ü-fu, Shantung. The stone, engraved on both sides, stands 231 cm tall and 112 cm wide. This rubbing is taken from the front, hence the title. It deals with a memorial inscription by Shih Ch’en, Minister of Lu, from 169 AD, describing how he paid homage to Confucius and petitioned to have spring and autumn rites performed for him. This and “Ritual Vessels” and “I Ying” are 3 famous steles of the Temple of Confucius, the brushwork gentle and reserved yet still grand and upright. Steeped in antiquity and strictly regulated, the form and style of the characters are well prepared, making this ideal for starting to study clerical script, not to mention a masterful Eastern Han work of engraved calligraphy.