石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1130&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁81&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁69-70&*文伯仁(西元一五0二-一五七五年),字德承,號五峰,江蘇蘇州人。文徵明的侄子,終生未服公職,以畫為生。長於人物、山水畫,承襲沈周、文徵明,並師法王蒙。狹長的紙幅,以披麻線條皴出的石山,向上堆畫出覆嶺叠嶂,石壁間宣洩而下的瀑澗水流,讓密實的布局轉為開朗,循著山路而上和踏橋而過的路人,將觀者的視點再帶回這可遊、可居的山水景緻中。全圖構景疏密得宜、筆墨純熟。(20100104)&* Wen Boren (style name Decheng, sobriquet Wufeng) was native to Suzhou, Jiangsu. Nephew of the master Wen Zhengming, he never sought office, instead making a living by painting. He specialized in figure and landscape painting, taking after the styles of Shen Zhou and Wen Zhengming, while looking back to Wang Meng. In this narrow hanging scroll on paper, he used “hemp-fiber” texture strokes to define the rock forms piled up to create peaks, among which is a cascade to break up the dense composition. On the bridge following the mountain path is a figure, leading the viewer’s eye through the fine scenery where one can travel and reside vicariously. The density of the arrangement is handled well and the use of brush and ink mature.(20100104)