石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2817&故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁81&故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁75-76&文伯仁(西元一五○二-一五七五年)字德承,號五峰,長洲(今江蘇蘇州)人。文徵明的侄子,終生未服公職,以畫為生。長於人物、山水畫,承襲沈周、文徵明,並師法王蒙。 天池山在蘇州西方十五公里,上有建於元代的寂鑒寺,山中奇石壁立,是蘇州勝景之一。此幅畫重巖峻嶺,山路蜿蜒,寺宇前臨深谷,後倚高山,構圖繁密,設色淡雅,饒富靈秀之氣。五十七歲作。 &The Stone Cliff at T’ien-ch’ih Wen Po-jen (1502-1575) Ming Dynasty Wen Po-jen was a native of what is now Soochow and the nephew of Wen Cheng-ming. He specialized in figure and landscape painting, following after Shen Chou and Wen Cheng-ming, and also studying the dense landscape style of Wang Meng. Mt. T’ien-ch’ih is located 15 kilometers to the west of Soochow. Located there is the Shu-chien Temple, built in the Yüan dynasty. The mountain is famous for unusual rocks and precipitous cliffs, being known as one of the scenic spots in the area. Depicted here area peaks and a winding mountain path. Before the temple is a steep valley with tall mountains behind. The light coloring gives the dense composition an elegant feel. This work was done in 1558 at the age of 56.