故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁78&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁305-306&* 周臣(約西元一四五○至一五三五年),江蘇吳縣人,字舜卿,號東村,善畫山水人物。山水師陳暹,間傳宋人畫法,得力於李唐、劉松年、馬遠、夏圭。用筆純熟,風骨峭勁雅健,傳授筆法與唐寅、仇英。 崖壁間,雙松盤紆鬱結,上有藤蘿攀附,松後巖壁,不著筆墨,幾為雲霧所掩,遠山澹然點畫,倍覺空曠疏朗。士人對坐,觀瀑清談,人語泉聲,恍如身歷此境。此幅用筆成熟醇厚,為其晚年粗放之筆,雖題為仿戴進筆意,亦近於南宋馬遠畫風。 &* Chou Ch’en was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. His style name was Shun-ch’ing and his sobriquet was Tung-ts’un. He excelled at both landscape and figure painting, and studied landscape from Ch’en Hsien (1405-1496). He based his style on the Sung Dynasty masters: Li T’ang, Liu Sung-nien, Ma Yüan, and Hsia Kuei. His brushwork was strong, refined, sharp and vigorous, and he transmitted his style to the Wu School masters T’ang Yin and Ch’iu Ying. A pair of pine trees draped with wisteria stand between the crags. The distant mountains are painted in light ink, conveying a feeling of broad space. Two scholars sit facing each other, admiring the waterfall as they converse. The sounds of human voices and of water seem to be almost audible in this composition. In this painting, Chou Ch’en’s brushwork is broad and unrestrained, as is characteristic of his mature style. Although the inscription states that this painting follows the manner of Tai Chin, an earlier Ming painter, it is in fact more similar to the style of the Southern master, Ma Yüan.