石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,1078-1079&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁40&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十八冊,頁73-78&* 趙原初,本名衷,號東吳野人,浙江嘉興(一說吳江)人。世本業醫,能篆、隸書,也擅白描人物。本幅充分表現傳統文人對蘭亭故事的喜愛與嚮往。整卷先有自序此圖,隨著縮臨蘭亭序,再次,圖本身自謂是學自宋代李公麟,人物旁以文字注出名銜詩文,更加以趙原初本人的和章。本幅上的作者書畫,心態上是與前代蘭亭雅集交流。畫風顯得稚拙,款署「至正甲辰」(西元一三六四年)猶是元朝末年。&* Chao Yüan-Ch’u, a native of Chekiang, practiced medicine but was also gifted at seal and clerical script calligraphy as well as pai-miao outline figure painting. This work reveals traditional nostalgia among scholar-officials for the event at the Orchid Pavilion. The handscroll at the right starts with a preface followed by a condensed copy of the Orchid Pavilion Preface. The style is said to follow that of Li Kung-lin. Inscriptions by the figures transcribe their names and verses, which was followed by Chao himself. Both painting and calligraphy are in the spirit of earlier versions. At the right, we find Wang Hsi-chih in the Orchid Pavilion viewing geese as cups float down the winding stream. Dated 1364, the style of this work is intentionally awkward.