故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁29&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十五冊,頁29-34&*此畫是我國古代社區的生活寫照,耕牧漁撈,乃至占卜、相撲、祭祀、兒童、行旅,無不栩栩如生的展現在畫面上。畫中牛隻,雖不是畫的主題,但穿插往來,生動靈活,這位畫家是點景人物的高手。李思訓(六五三—七一八)唐朝人,為宗室李斌之子,作畫常用金碧設色,人稱大李將軍,兒子李昭道也擅畫金碧山水,稱小李將軍。本畫籤題李思訓,風格顯然不合,當是後代人之作品。 &*This genre painting reflects life in ancient China and illustrates the various activities found in a Chinese village. For example,men plow the fields and fish, others are shown praying,and children play. Two hefty men wrestle in sport while others are traveling. Each activity is depicted in a lively manner. The oxen are not the major elements here,but their movement adds considerable to the life of the painting. The artist appears to have been adept at such genre illustration. Li Ssu-hsün,a member of the T'ang imperial family, was known for his "gold-and-green" landscape painting. Though this scroll is attributed to Li,it is stylistically removed from the T'ang and should be regarded as the work of a later artist.