石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1044-1045&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁29&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十五冊,頁35-38&*全幅以青綠設色描繪蓬萊宮仙境景致。手卷開頭即以一山體區隔出觀者的世界與畫中的世界。畫中的世界,山水長青,桃花盛開,瀑布亭苑點綴其中,人物或遠眺、或蕩舟、或騎馬、或三兩閒談等,均一派逍遙自得,誠為一仙境。不過湖石、樹木、山石等透露出很多十六世紀中期以後吳派影響下的風格,舊傳唐代畫家李昭道作,可能是明代中後期蘇州地區畫坊對唐代的想像之作。(20100710)&* This work in blue-and-green renders a pleasing view of palaces in a land of immortals (Penglai). In the composition, the right begins with a mountain complex separating the viewer’s realm from the painting. The blue-and-green landscape features peach blossoms with scattered cascade, pavilion, and preserve scenes. Figures look into the distance, boat, ride a horse, or chat in small groups, making for an easy, carefree manner. Here the lake rocks, trees, and landscape elements reveal much of the Wu School influence after the mid-16th century. Unrelated to the Tang painter Li Zhaodao, this work instead is probably an imaginative re-creation in a Tang style made by a commercial studio in Suzhou during the middle Ming dynasty (1368-1644).(20100710)