石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1989&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁77&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁249-250&* 沈周(西元一四二七至一五○九年)字啟南,號石田江蘇長洲人。詩書畫俱佳,為明四大家之一。雙松下老者坐聽流泉,對山高聳,飛瀑從高而下,展轉成澗。畫未署年,而筆意甚工整。松下山嘴,用短披麻,與五十五歲所畫杏林書館山石皴法極似,對山多用側筆方轉,似受倪瓚影響。沈周學倪,所見之畫時皆稍晚,疑此畫成於庚子(一四八0)之際,同年作品有紐約翁萬戈藏臨戴進東山圖軸,亦甚工。畫松出枝法兩畫正爾相同。成化庚子,沈周五十五歲。&* Shen Chou, style name Ch’i-nan, sobriquet Shih-t’ien, was a native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu. He was an excellent painter, and is considered one of the four masters of the Ming dynasty. An old man sits beneath a pair of pine trees and listens to a waterfall. The water cascades from a great height, twisting and turning in its course. The brushwork is delicate and skillfully done. The mountain spur beneath the pines is textured with short hemp fiber strokes similar to those seen in The Almond Grove Studio, painted in 1480. In addition, the mountain peak is rendered in angular strokes derived from the style of the Yüan dynasty painter Ni Tsan. Shen Chou’s other paintings in the style of Ni Tsan were for the most part completed at a slightly later date. This work was probably painted in 1480. The painting After Tai Chin’s ‘Hsieh An at East Mountain’ in the collection of Mr. Wan-go Weng of New York was painted in 1480 and is similar in style and quality. The treatment of the tree trunks in these two paintings is particularly close. In 1480, Shen Chou was fifty-three years old.