石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1997 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁83 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁1-2&* 陸治(西元一四九六-一五七六年),江蘇吳縣人。字叔平,號包山子。倜儻好義,以孝友著稱於鄉里。曾與文徵明、祝允明一起作畫吟詩。詩文書畫並佳。 「天中」即農曆五月五日之端午節,民俗以菖蒲葉浸酒,服之可以辟瘟氣,是以本幅畫盆景中一太湖石,旁植菖蒲草,取名為「天中佳卉」。文人講究生活情趣,蒔花賞石,做為花園書房擺設之用,進而畫圖記實。本幅亦可視如此。楷書寫賦,佔畫面上方大部份,更足以顯示書畫一體。 &*Lu Chih (style name Shu-p’ing, sobriquet Pao-shan-tzu) was a native of Wu County, Kiangsu province. He was a bit of a dandy and gained fame for his loyalty and sincerity in friendships. He also once painted paintings and wrote poems with Wen Cheng-ming and Chu Yün-ming. He excelled in poetry, belles-lettres, calligraphy, and painting. T’ien-chung signifies the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. According to folk traditions, at this time calamus soaked in wine can drive out pestilential vapors. Calamus at the Dragon Boat Festival, inspired by this traditional belief, is a depiction of a T’ai-hu garden rock surrounded by calamus in a rectangular pot. Literati paid particular attention to their lifestyle and surroundings, and they had a great appreciation for garden rocks and flowers. They often placed such objects in their studies or gardens and painted realistic depictions of them. This painting is an example of this practice. The painting and the prose poem written in standard script in the top portion of the scroll exemplify the unity of calligraphy and painting.