祕殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁168&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁86&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁359-360&*丁雲鵬(西元一五四七或一五四八-一六二八年後),安徽休寧人。字南羽,號聖華居士。善畫佛道人物,得唐吳道子法,又白描師法李公麟,為晚明人物畫名家。 海天相交,波濤翻舞,團雲變幻之間,十八位羅漢由乘騎與羅剎簇擁伴隨,上下遊走於虛空之中,各顯神通。人物與動物交織成一幅恍若觥籌交錯的動感畫面,而羅漢誇張變形、滑稽的造形,使全畫瀰漫著類似卡通的趣味效果。 &* Ting Yün-p'eng (style name Nan-yü, sobriquet Sheng-hua chü-shih) was a native of Hsiu-ning, Anhwei Province. He excelled in Buddhist and Taoist figure painting. He followed the bold style of Wu Tao-tzu (act. ca. 710-760) from the T'ang Dynasty as well as the plain-line drawing style (pai-miao) of Li Kung-lin (1049-1106) from the Sung dynasty. He is considered a late Ming dynasty master of figure painting. Eighteen lohans, riding on various animals and accompanied by Rakşas, and other attendants crowd together, rising and descending through the void where the sea and the heavens meet in the ever-changing, dancing waves and clouds. Each lohan manifests his occult powers. The human figures and animals mix together as if they were drinking at a large party. The ″transformation or supra-realistic″ (pien-hsing) appearance of the lohans has been exaggerated so that they seem comical. The entire painting looks as though it were overflowing with this king of cartoon.