故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁88&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁379-380&* 張宏(西元一五七九年-?),吳郡(今江蘇蘇州)人。字君度,號鶴間。工畫山水,吳中學者尊崇之。筆意古拙,墨法濕潤,人物寫真,亦所擅長。康熙七年(一六六八年),年九十二歲,猶在人世。 本幅畫小橋,流水、孤亭。秋林風瑟瑟,吹得樹枝為之作響,芳草為之波動。畫家作此圖,不以長線勾,而全以點及短線來綴合,點線極富律動感,均以風向為主導,蓋著意在秋風,是以飛揚搖動之姿,刻意描繪,秋聲亦隨之而聞。 &* Chang Hung (style name Chün-tu and sobriquet Ho-chien) was a native of Wu-hsien (modern-day Soochow, Kiangsu). He was greatly admired by the literati of the region for his landscape paintings. His brushwork combined an archaic mode with excellent use of moist ink. He was also skilled in the realistic portrayal of figures. The exact date of his death, however, is unknown. Depicted in this scroll are a small bridge, flowing water, and a solitary pavilion. An autumn wind rustles through the tree branches and causes the grasses to bend slightly. In doing this painting, Chang did not use long, continuous brushstrokes. Instead, he combined dots and short strokes to produce a feeling of rhythmic movement. The direction of the wind serves as a dominant motif, as the painting conveys the unpredictable nature of autumn breezes. The sounds of autumn that follow in its wake are almost audible. &*1.林莉娜,〈明張宏畫山水〉,收入林莉娜編,《秋景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1989年十月初版),頁78-79。