石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁651&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁284&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁37-38&*王紱(西元一三六二-一四一六年),江蘇無錫人。字孟端,後以字行。號友石,又號九龍山人、青城山人。永樂間,以墨竹名天下,兼善山水。 永樂甲申(一四○四),作者四十三歲,在友人沈氏自樂軒中作。凌空一石,上作老樹杈枒,盤根露節。其下則坡石似在水濱,襯以荊條竹葉。布局甚簡,而用筆圓勁,墨色濃郁,覺與吳鎮有溪壑相通處。 &*Wang Fu was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. His style name was Meng-tuan; his sobriquets Yü-shih, Chiu-lung shan-jen and Ch'ing-ch'eng shan-jen. During the Yung-lo period (1403-1424), Wang Fu was famed for his renderings of bamboo in monochrome ink. He also excelled in painting landscapes. Executed at the ˝Studio of Self-Contentment˝ of his friend Mr. Shen, Wang Fu has presented here a corner of Nature; a large rock looms into the picture adorned by a stubby tree with its gnarled roots and branches. Brambles and a clump of wild bamboo complement the rock below. The composition is simple, the brushwork sturdy with the brushtip solidly centered. Such use of brush and ink recall that of the artist Wu Chen (1280-1354).