盛京故宮書畫錄,第五冊,頁14&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁178&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁319-320&*宋徽宗的駙馬王詵(活動於十二世紀前半),不但擅長作畫,也熱衷於蒐集藝術品。寶繪堂便是他特別興築在宅邸東邊,專門用來收藏法書名畫的處所。蘇軾曾經受邀請在寶繪樓一同欣賞他的收藏,並為他寫過一篇〈寶繪堂記〉。 仇英(約西元一四九四-一五五二年),江蘇太倉人。本為漆工,後從周臣學畫,擅長人物、山水及故事畫。 &* Wang Shen (fl. 2st half of 12th c.) was the son-in-law of Emperor Ying-tsung. He excelled not only in painting, but he was also had a fine eye for collecting works of art. The Treasured Paintings Hall was especially built to the east of his residence and was specially used to store his collection of famous painting and calligraphy. The literary great Su Shih was once invited to go there and appreciate Wang’s collection, Su even writing for him “Record of the Treasured Paintings Hall”. Ch’iu Ying, a native of T’ai-ch’ang in Kiangsu, originally was a lacquer craftsman who later studied painting from Chou Ch’en. He excelled in rendering figure, landscape, and narrative paintings.