石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2008&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁425&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁151-152&* 項元汴(西元一五二五-一五九○年),浙江嘉興人,字子京,別字墨林居士,曾築「天籟閣」廣徵天下奇珍,為江南大收藏家。精鑑賞,自解畫以至能畫,山水學元黃公望、倪瓚,又寫梅、蘭、竹石,頗有幽情逸致。 本幅畫兩竿澹墨細竹出於坡石之後,筆法雅淡天真,極具文人畫意。畫成於萬曆庚辰(一五八○年),為賀友人父親壽辰所繪。日後曾經其孫項皋謨鑑定。 &* Xiang Yuanbian (style names Zijing, Molin jushi [“Ink Forest Layman”]) was a native of Jiaxing, Zhejiang, who housed his art collection in the Hall of Heavenly Sounds (Tianlai ge). A great collector and connoisseur in Jiangnan, he also learned painting from his collection. In landscapes he studied the Yuan literati styles of Huang Gongwang and Ni Zan, while his plum blossoms, orchids, and bamboo and stones have a great serenity and untrammeledness. This work shows 2 stalks of slender bamboo in tranquil ink by stones on a slope. The brushwork is elegantly plain and straightforward, much in the literati style. Done in 1580 as a birthday blessing for the father of a friend, its authorship was later confirmed by Xiang’s grandson, Xiang Gaomo.