石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2759 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁183-184 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁235-236 &*王淵(活動於西元十四世紀前期),字若水。號淡軒,浙江杭州人。曾隨趙孟頫學畫,得古人畫法。 大德三年(西元一二九九年),王淵為陳琳(仲美)作此畫。描繪騎驢的主人與步行的童子,穿度秋林,行走於長堤上。遠處水面,一行鳧雁排空而去,景物蕭疏清逸。山石藉濃淡墨相襯,增多了色調的變化。&*Wang Yüan (style name Jo-shui, sobriquet Tan-hsuan) came from Hangchou in Chekiang. He studied painting with Chao Meng-fu and mastered the styles of many ancient masters. This painting was done for Ch'en Lin in 1299. It depicts a man riding a donkey, followed by a servant on foot, passing through an autumn grove on a raised earth path. In the distance a flock of birds wheels in formation over the water. The scene has a desolate, lonely atmosphere which conveys a feeling of purity and detachment. The background mountains are treated in contrasting tones of light and dark ink. The small rocks are painted with great strength and add to the variety of ink-tones.