故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁217&*石渠寶笈三編(圓明園清暉閣),第八冊,頁3650&*1.劉芳如,〈元王冕幽谷先春〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《畫梅名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1991年元月初版),頁85-86。 2.〈元 王冕 幽谷先春〉,收入譚怡令、劉芳如、林莉娜主編,《滿庭芳 歷代花卉名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),頁190。 &*王冕(西元一二八七—一三五九年),浙江諸暨人。字元章,號煮石山農,又號老村、竹堂及會稽外史。幼貧好讀書,潛入學聽諸生講誦,暮返遂亡其羊,為父所逐。因走依佛寺,夜坐佛膝上借長明燈讀書。會稽韓性異之,錄為弟子。明經取科第不中,遂放曠江海間,士之負才氣者爭與交。平生善畫竹石,尤工墨梅,不減揚補之。此幀畫老梅橫斜,枝條迸出,寒花纍纍,傲骨凌凌。以飛白筆寫梅幹,用筆硬挺而有風神,生意盎然。花則含苞、綻放各具姿態。通幅以淡墨烘染,更突顯梅花清冷之美。 &*Wang Mien (style name Yüan-chang; sobriquets Chu-chih shan-nung, Lao-tsun, Chu-t'ang, and K'uai-chi wai-shih) was a native of Chu-chi, Chekiang. He came from a poor family, but as a youth was fond of studying. One day he slipped into the local school to study with others, only to lose the sheep in his care at nightfal1. Expelled by his father, he sheltered himself in a temple and nightly sat on the knees of a Buddha sculpture at night in the temple so as to catch some lamp light to study by. The scholar Han Hsing of K'uai-chi rewarded his assiduity by taking him as his pupil. After having failed in a lower civil service examination, he traveled about and wherever he went many men of letters vied with each other in seeking his association. Throughout his life he excelled at painting bamboo and rocks and was particulatly adept at plum blossoms in monochrome ink, no less than Yang Wu-chiu of the Sung dynasty. In this album leaf is an old convoluted plum tree with scattered branches and piles of cold blossoms that are independent and chaste. The trunk of the plum tree is depicted in "flying white" with the silk showing through the ink. The brushwork is tough and rigid, but spirited in its liveliness. The blossoms, whether as buds or in full blossom, are posed in their characteristic stances. The entire work has been suffused with washes of light ink, even further accenting the pure and cold beauty of the plum blossoms.&*王冕(1287-1359),浙江諸暨人。字元章,號煮石山農、飯牛翁、閒散大夫。能詩善畫,特擅墨梅。 此幀選自<集古名繪冊>,畫老梅一枝,從幅左下橫斜而出,以濕水濃墨,具草書飛白趣味的筆意寫梅花樹幹,細枝從旁迸出,上生繁花。用筆硬挺而有風神,梅花朵朵生意盎然,各具姿態。呈現典型書畫合一的文人畫風。通幅以淡墨烘染,梅花處留白,這種「倒暈法」更顯纍纍寒梅一派傲骨凌凌的清冷之美。(20110102)&* Wang Mian, a native of Zhuji in Zhejiang, had the style name Yuanzhang and the sobriquets Zhuji shannong, Fanniu weng, and Xiansan dafu. Gifted at poetry and painting, he specialized at painting plum blossoms in ink. This work, chosen from “Album of Collected Ancient Famous Paintings,” depicts part of an old plum tree in bloom extending diagonally from the lower left part of the composition. With liberal washes of water and touches of dark ink, the brush manner has the effect of “flying white” broken strokes found in cursive-script calligraphy. It depicts the branches of the plum tree with tender shoots sprouting off to the side bursting into life with numerous blossoms. The brushwork is firm yet spirited, the blossoms full of life and shown in various poses. This is a typical example of the literati painting ideal of combining painting and calligraphy. The entire work has been done in light ink and washes, the background left blank to suggest the white of the blossoms. This type of “reverse saturation method” even further brings out the chilly beauty of plum blossom strings proudly emerging in the cold of winter.(20110102)