石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2113&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁495&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁255-256&*張飌(?─一六六二)﹐字大風﹐號昇州道士﹐上元人﹐常署款真香佛空而不名。為明諸生﹐明亡後北行燕趙﹐後歸金陵。善山水、人物、花鳥﹐不主師承﹐率以己意為之﹐有自得之樂。本幅作於順治十一年(西元一六五四)﹐繪諸葛武侯綸巾抱膝而坐﹐羽扇則置榻旁。除人物面部描寫較細﹐畫衣紋或坐榻屢見淡濃疊現之重筆﹐有隨興揮灑之趣﹐應乃酒後醉筆所致,一如其自題。&* Chang Feng, a chu-sheng degree holder of the Ming, traveled north after the fall of the dynasty, later returning to Nanking. He excelled at landscape, figure, and bird-and-flower painting, following his heart rather than any particular style. This work, done in 1654, depicts the famous figure Chu-ko Liang reclining on a daybed wearing a cap with a feather fan by his side. Except for the facial features, the rest of the painting was done with lines of light and dark ink repeated over and over seemingly at the whim of the artist. Chang Feng mentions in the bold inscription above that the painting was done after he became drunk, which would help explain the unique nature of the brushwork.