石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁954&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁35&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十六冊,頁265-268&*劉松年,浙江錢塘人,居清波門,俗呼劉清波,又呼暗門劉,為南宋孝宗淳熙年畫院學生,紹熙年待詔,工畫人物、山水。師法張敦禮,神氣精妙,名過於師。據事物紀原所載,鬪牛之戲始於秦世,而至宋尚有。本卷描繪官員道僧等圍觀二牛相鬪,村夫持棍鞭打,激動牛隻,或擊鼓製造氣氛。二牛尾緊夾股間,瞋目豎耳,鬪志高昂。觀者或交頭預評輸贏,會為緊張之勢可懾,專注忘我。通幅佈置得宜,人物表情刻劃真實,若聞吶喊聲,有身入其境之效果。&*Liu Sung-nien was a native of Ch'ieng-t'an, CheKiang. During the Ch'un-hsi reign (1174-1189) of Emperor Hsiao-tsung of the Southern Sung he was a student in the painting academy. During the Shoa-hsi reign (1190-1194) he was made a painter-in attendance at the court. Skilled in figure painting and landscapes, Liu studied under Chang Tun-li. His skill was such, however, that he surpassed his master in fame. According to Extant historical records, the sport of watching two oxen battle began in the Ch'in Dynasty and was still current during the Sung. This scroll depicts officials, monks and others watching such a spectacle. Village masters wield sticks and whips to incite the bulls into action or beat on drums to create an excited atmosphere. The two bulls face off with angry eyes and upright ears. Their tails taut between their legs .The onlooks converse together in prediction of the winner. Some appear frightened and nervous, completely absorbed in the action. The expressions of the figures are extremely life-like.