石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1812&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁338&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁307-308&* 周臣(約西元一四五○至一五三五),江蘇吳縣人。字舜卿,號東邨,善畫山水人物。山水師陳暹,間傳宋人畫法,得力於李唐、劉松年、馬遠、夏圭。用筆純熟縝密風骨峭勁雅健,嘗傳授筆法與唐寅、仇英。 奇石卓然直立,芭蕉數株掩映其間。樹石高聳蔽亭,亭內一文士左倚臂擱,右執羽扇,旁置卷、冊、茗尊各一,席地納涼於風雅中。亭外童子,正伸臂摘採蜀葵花以供瓶插,益顯現出悠閒寧謐之氣氛。款署周臣。 &* Chou Ch’en was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. His style name was Shun-ch’ing and his sobriquet was Tung-ts’un. He was a master of both landscape and figure painting, and in landscape took Ch’en Hsien (1405-1496) as his teacher, basing his style on the work of the Sung dynasty masters Li T’ang, Liu Sung-nien, Ma Yüan, and Hsia Kuei. Chou’s experienced brush was sharp, strong, refined and vigorous. He transmitted his style to the Ming masters T’ang Yin and Ch’iu Ying. Unusual rocks and tall banana trees, contrasting in their rectilinear and curvilinear forms, tower over a pavilion. Inside, a gentleman leans to his left, his right hand grasping a feather fan. Beside him are arrayed a bundle of scrolls, a set of books, and a teacup. The scholar sits on the ground cooling off in an atmosphere of taste and refinement. Outside the pavilion, a boy is picking flowers which he is arranging in a vase. All of these elements convey an ambience of leisure and relaxation.