石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1763&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁312&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁187-188&* 姚綬(西元一四二二-一四九五年),浙江嘉善人。字公綬,號穀庵,又號雲東逸史。成化初官至永寧太守,後解官歸,築室曰丹丘,故又稱丹丘先生。工詩,善書畫。書法蘇軾;山水法吳鎮,間寫其竹石,亦瀟洒可愛。 此幅寫意畫叢竹幽石。竹以墨筆挺健寫成,具書法之用筆;石則水墨淋漓,渾然一體。兩相比照,饒富意趣。 &*Bamboo Yao Shou (fl. Latter half of the 18th century) Ming Dynasty A few stalks of bamboo and a solitary rock complete this freely sketched work. The straight, supple bamboo are drawn in ink in calligraphic brushstrokes; the solid mass of rock is limned in fluid ink. The two complement one another well. Yao Shou was from Chia-shan, Chekiang. His style-name was Kung-shou; his sobriquets, Ku-an and Yun-tung-I-shih. In the mid-1460s he served as prefect of Yung-ning. After retiring from office he built a house called Red Hill and consequently became known as Mr. Red Hill. A skilled poet as well as calligrapher and painter, he emulated Su Shih’s calligraphic style and Wu Chen’s landscapes. He occasionally painted beautifully unconventioal bamboo and rocks.