石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁390&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁305&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁161-162&*沈貞(西元一四00─一四八二年尚在),澄子,沈周伯父。字貞吉,號南齋,又號陶然道人,以字行。工詩兼善繪事。賦一詩,營一幛,必累月閱歲乃出,故畫不妄作,而流傳亦少。 此幅畫一石,上植菖蒲數莖,雖寥寥幾筆,而皆勁挺穩重,營置亦嚴,非出於倉卒間者。&*Calamus Leaves Shen Chen (1400-after 1482) Ming Dynasty Shen Chen was the uncle of the famed artist Shen Chou. Shen Chen excelled at both poetry and painting. Before writing a poem or composing a painting, he would deliberate for months-even a year. Putting such thought into his works, few of them survive and, among them, even fewer were carelessly done. This painting depicts a rock and a growth of calamus. Although appearing to have been completed in several hurried strokes, the brush in fact has been wielded with great control, power, and confidence. The arrangement of leaves was also carefully deliberated and not the product of hastiness.